Success story
7 min

Coca-Cola Christmas Caravan

We explain how Stayfitt brought people with different opportunities across the country together in one project
Victoria Bardina
Account manager


The Coca-Cola Christmas Caravan is one of the largest Coca-Cola volunteer projects in Russia. In 2021, one important task of the project was to raise awareness about the Special Olympics in Russia.
During the preparation phase of the project it was important to take into account several factors, ensuring the project was accessible to everyone, including people with special needs. We needed to make sure the general idea was related to traffic, since traditionally, the trucks of the Christmas Caravan traveled through the whole country.
TRACE Group and Coca-Cola in Russia chose the Stayfitt platform to solve these problems.

• customers involvement
• awareness about the charity event

We are glad that Coca-Cola in Russia was the first to test the format of an online challenge that brings together a wide audience of brand fans. Such a project sets a new bar in communicating with an audience and we are delighted to be part of it.
Alexey Kamenov
Senior Manager of TRACE Group


The global goal of the project was to collect 300,000 ⚡️ charges of activity to help the Caravan tackle the route from Vladivostok to Moscow, including 10 cities along the way.
This result could only be achieved by a combined effort: the physical activity of the participants was translated into «energy» to help move the Caravan in the Stayfitt application.

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• Everyone could register on the Caravan website, download the Stayfitt app and add the results of their activities in the app.
It is important that participation in the project was open to people with any level of physical fitness: steps during a normal walk around the city and the results of cycling races, ski marathons and other sports training were all counted.
• When registering, you were able to choose a team depending on your sports interests: runners, water lovers, snow fans, roadrunnerss, strongmen, team players, station wagons, beginners.
• Participants entered any physical activities that could be converted into charges into Stayfitt and thus gave their energy to the caravan.;
❗Team chats, tournament tables with team results and personal achievements all helped to increase the involvement of project participants.
• In each city, the virtual Caravan «made a stop» and a specially recorded training session or challenge from a Special Olympics athlete was available in the application.
6 creative challenges and 3 special training sessions from athletes of the Special Olympics were organized: jumping routines, burpee workout and others.
Every week, prize sets were played among active Stayfitt users.
• At the end of the Caravan, Coca-Cola in Russia made a donation towards the development of programmers of regional branches of the Special Olympics in Russia.

Ждём запуска обновленного проекта ЗОЖ Амбассадоры Росатома 2.0, новых открытий, знакомств не только с другими участниками, но и с новыми видами спорта, и с собой!
ЗОЖ Амбассадор
Спасибо за такую возможность, это воспоминания на всю жизнь! Идея — подняться на вершину — очень объединяет и заряжает энергией. Я рада и довольна тем, что мы стали победителями, все взошли на вершину и растянули флаг Росатома.
ЗОЖ Амбассадор
Меня команда вывела на 5 место в проекте "ЗОЖ амбассадор Росатома". Это позволило войти в число 10-ти победителей проекта. За что я всем несказанно благодарен! Мы очень старались и отработали на все 100!
ЗОЖ Амбассадор


The global goal was met, with over 320,000 ⚡️ of physical activity collected in 25 days. As a result, Coca-Cola in Russia donated 3 million roubles towards the development of inclusive sports in the regional branches of the Special Olympics of Russia.
The project itself aroused genuine interest from the audience: 57% of participants noted their activities in the application, posted the results of walks and workouts, watched stories and masterclasses by athletes, and chatted.

5,8 km
hours of training
steps per day per user

For the organizer, the project provided an excellent opportunity to:
• Attract the most active audience, open to testing new features,
• Expand the number of participants due to the online format and the availability of the application on any devices (Android and iOS),
• Highlight the issues of inclusion and introduce the athletes of the Special Olympics of Russia,
• Raise awareness about projects in the field of inclusion in cities along the way,
• Demonstrate that physical activity is an affordable source of energy for every person.

More than 1500 participants took part in the project, and 65.9 million steps were completed in less than 4 weeks. The application offered a variety of exercise for people of differing abilities. More than 25 articles have been published about the project, including in RIA Novosti, Kommersant, Forbes, etc.

Interested in the possibilities of Stayfitt? Let’s discuss digital opportunities for real projects. We will be in touch!


Люди говорят...

Текст... текст...Бежать Экватор в компании коллег — здорово, но если по итогам организация перечисляет миллионы рублей в благотворительный фонд в результате твоей активности — еще лучше.

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